

While we were in Tokyo, we at Slappin Japin were hella jealous of these high buns all the girls seemed to have

This girl breaks it down so even hair challenged people like myself can understand

YEAH BABY Now I just have to practice my asian poses


“I didn’t eat for three days so I could be lovely”

So I have had this 25 dollar gift certificate for itunes sitting on my desk for quite sometime now. I’ll be honest, about 90% of my music is downloaded free of cost via the interwebs so I’ve been struggling with deciding what do I want to do...movies or TV?

One of my all time favorite TV shows is the British program Skins. Think Gossip Girl or The OC but with far more swearing, nudity and lots and lots of drugs. I found it on itunes for 36 dollars, meaning I would have to cough up 11 extra dollars to cover it. For those of you that don’t know me, I’m cheap as fuck, especially to watch a series I’ve already seen. But while flipping through an old Lula I was reconnected with this spread featuring Skins actress Hannah Murray.

By far, my favorite female character (the boys in this show are all absolutely lovable and charming, far beyond the girls,) is Cassie Ainsworth, the bisexual, anorexic free spirit who bounces in and out of psych wards throughout the series. According to the fashion spot thread on her much of Cassie’s wardrobe is Hannah Murray’s own. Though the pics on her outside of the show don’t do her justice, her on screen persona owns it with layers of outlandish colors, clashing textures and chunky jewelry. One could say “she’s doing to much,” something I’ve been accused of in the past.

If you haven’t seen Skins go to sidereel.com right now, or better yet purchase it on itunes. The first two seasons only please, season three has an all new cast and it sucks. However it has Freddy.

mmmmm Freddy.



Style Icons

I don't know why everybody is so obsessed with British It girls they are just aight in my opinion. Margherita Missoni is by far my favorites it girl, I have basically always wanted to be her, and we're pretty much related since she already has a sister named Teresa! Seriously her style is impeccable and she has amazing hair. I love you Margherita!

Two other people I have to consider style icons are Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver (pretty sure she doesn't dress well outside of that movie though) and Julie Christie in Shampoo

Also I forgot how fine Robert De Niro is in this movie until I watched it again the other night

Julie Christie of course gets Warren Beatty in the end of the movie so obviously she is the hotter one, Goldie Hawn is cute too, I love her tiny baby doll dresses and velvet ensembles, but nothing beats Julies Christie's famous backless black dress

Not sure who this random is wearing the dress because I couldn't find any of Julie Christie wearing it

cute, but doesn't really make sense without the huge seventies blond hair

there we go

Eye-talian Style

I have recently arrived in Italy and am extremely jet lagged leaving me with nothing to do except blog until my parents wake up. I love Italian movies, and Italian style in movies, the debauchery in La Dolce Vita:

(Anouck Aimee is so well dressed in this movie!)

the 30s/40s style dresses in the Conformist:

(the dance, a great/confusing style scene)

but I've always especially loved Sicilian style, especially the style in the film Divorce Italian Style. It reminds me of a mob wives attending their husbands' funerals, in tight black dresses and black lace veils covering their faces.

I love Daniela Rocca in the movie, I couldn't find an image of my favorite scene where Marcello Mastroianni is parading her around town in the most amazing dress, hoping some man will fall in love with her so that she will cheat (see the movie it's complicated)

I love Marcello Mastroianni in this movie, even though he marries his cousin, nasty ass southerners

just bought this LOVE by Ya Ya dress, when I wear it I feel like a grieving mob wife



So it's almost fall, time for fall trends right?
Leopard print booties?
Leather jacket?
Fur Stole?
Got that too!
Animal ear headband?
wait wtf...?

It's true. after years of being a novelty item, animal ear headbands are fed up and have been showing up on the heads of some very stylish people. Just ask MK and Ashley Olsen, Lily Allen and Lady GaGa (although GaGa's fashion prowess is now in question,): animal headbands are the next fall trend.
Alexa Chung rocked a pair of Minnie Mouse ears a few months ago...but that was in Disney Land, anythings possible in Disney Land.

So how do you go about following this trend? The fashion spot recommends a Eugenia Kim cat ear headband that will set you back 144 dollars at BunnyHug.co.uk.


My professional recommendation would be to hit up your local haloween headquarters...I copped this pair for 5 dollars in 2006, back when I worked there (but don't tell anyone..) Plus it came with a collar and a tail.
If your trying to look like Alexa, like me and all other non-crack heads, head towards the source. These disney land minnie mouse ears were 12 dollars.
Now for those of you who are more adventurous, Claire's has you covered. For some ungodly reason I own two, that's right, TWO pairs of these antlers, one christmas and one plain ole brown. I personally prefer the christmas.
Hopefully with these recessioninsta friendly tips I will see you ALL rocking the animal ears this fall. In all seriousness, don't do it, you will look like a fool.

BTW this is what I look like in real life.
Photo: TFS

Fo Real???

Nine out of ten times I am in full support of Lady Gaga. I'm serious! Her videos are dope as fuck, she writes her own songs, designs her own clothes, she speaks in a pseudo british accent (just like me btw), what is not to love? Gaga does what she does to be Gaga, you feel me??? Anyways this years VMAs she took it too far. Her outfits crossed the line of outrageously fashion forward to outrageous to be outrageous. I mean, WTF is this?
or this?
Now I didn't actually watch the VMAs (does any one?) and I'm not about to youtube her performance but according to perez she brought it home...so maybe that makes up for it?
oh wait...
no it doesnt...

photo: mtv



loving Wildfox Couture's spring 2010 lookbook...comes out in January
I NEED the skull shirt -- but I'm gonna have to sell a lot of drugs to spend 100 plus dollars on a tee.

the mother just bought me a sewing machine for my 20th birthday... I LOVE YOU MOMMY!
welcome to the family, can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together.



Just watched "Birthday Sex," I am confused to say the least but here are some of my fave videos

and of course