
DIY ☆ feather hairband

get a small gold or silver colored hair band and a matching colored chain. gather an assortment of feathers that you like.

attach the feathers onto the chain so that they fall the way you want them to. i just sewed them on and covered the knots with super glue, but you can get fancy and use wire links too :) (actually itll prob look better that way)

super glue a piece of fabric onto the tip of the hairband and sew the end of the chain onto the fabric.

i have feather hair!!

skee yee!



So horrible: Jimmy Choo X Uggs


Keep Truckin'

some stuff I want. source: internet

More importantly lets talk about my humiliation. Today I ran into this boy that I may have liked a few years ago at the gym. I looked horrible but so did he so...that's ok? Yes, that is not the humiliating part. We had small talk, horrible, horrible small talk that seemed to last forever. 30 seconds is forever in my book! Well long story short the conversation ended with him telling me to "Keep Truckin'."

Also more awkward... he kept looking me up and down. This could mean two things:
Option one: DAMN YO' BODY BE BANGIN!!! (less likely)
Option two: DAMN YOU HAVE SOME SMALL ASS TITIES. (more likely, I hate my life.)

Since we are from San Francisco, obligatory Giants pic.

Most Important, cause I love the YG family...



this reminds me of berkeley high parties and neck cramps.
i need to go get my herrrr did.


Birthday Number 1's

So while taking a break from my ever so exciting life of watching Dinner's Drive In's and Dives, I found this website that will spit out the top song from any day of any year. This is the kinda stuff that prevents people like me from having a social life. Real people can't tell me this!

Me: August 20, 1989

TG: February 2, 1989

*I originally thought her bday was Feb 20, which would have been Paula Abdul's Straight Up. WTF Teresa? Get a new birthday please. However, I can only take solace in the fact that I can spread this beautiful tribute video to romance novels that someone obviously labored over for days.

Maya: November 27, 1988

Well now, the Boys to Men greatest hits album isn't going to listen to itself! Another exhilarating Saturday night for me!

PS, In case you're wondering this is the number one today, September 25, 2010




I went to Florence, than came back. Feeling a bit more Euro now.
Gonna go blast some house version of a Michael Buble song, ciao.



buuut the classics are always the best


Wear the pants, they'll make you brave!

I spent last Friday night watching The Sisterhood of the Traveling pants in my polar bear pajama set while eating bowl after bowl of Special K.

If I was talking about ketamine, maybe this night would have been more exciting, but no I'm talking about the Kellogg cereal that taste like healthy sugar-less rice krispies, that promises that if you eat it non-stop you lose six pounds in a week.

Where is my six pound weight loss?

Fuck you Special K and fuck your broken promises.

Thank the lord Jesus I am flying out to Florence tomorrow and hopefully my next posts wont be about cereal and horrible pussy ass teen movies (which apparently Teresa loves? stfu you have no reason to live).

BTW this Friday night has been spent watching an Intervention marathon while eating cream cheese sandwiches (all that's left in my fridge. fuck you life).

And this is my life right now. Hopefully this time tomorrow things will be different. Well actually this time tomorrow I will be drunk on a plane.

Obviously fashion is the farthest thing from my mind right now so I will end this boring rant on this note... I have finally decided on a hair style!

Here is my face photo shopped with Megan Fox's hair. Let the nightmares begin.


i feel love

Love u d.sum.

Best comment ever goes to youtube user jamesjonesrocket:

"I never thought anyone doing the robot could give me an erection- until now"



These have been floating around the intarwebs...

Hate you Gagz. Hate you.



thursday night tv and nail polish:
