

So horrible: Jimmy Choo X Uggs


Keep Truckin'

some stuff I want. source: internet

More importantly lets talk about my humiliation. Today I ran into this boy that I may have liked a few years ago at the gym. I looked horrible but so did he so...that's ok? Yes, that is not the humiliating part. We had small talk, horrible, horrible small talk that seemed to last forever. 30 seconds is forever in my book! Well long story short the conversation ended with him telling me to "Keep Truckin'."

Also more awkward... he kept looking me up and down. This could mean two things:
Option one: DAMN YO' BODY BE BANGIN!!! (less likely)
Option two: DAMN YOU HAVE SOME SMALL ASS TITIES. (more likely, I hate my life.)

Since we are from San Francisco, obligatory Giants pic.

Most Important, cause I love the YG family...