
Birthday Number 1's

So while taking a break from my ever so exciting life of watching Dinner's Drive In's and Dives, I found this website that will spit out the top song from any day of any year. This is the kinda stuff that prevents people like me from having a social life. Real people can't tell me this!

Me: August 20, 1989

TG: February 2, 1989

*I originally thought her bday was Feb 20, which would have been Paula Abdul's Straight Up. WTF Teresa? Get a new birthday please. However, I can only take solace in the fact that I can spread this beautiful tribute video to romance novels that someone obviously labored over for days.

Maya: November 27, 1988

Well now, the Boys to Men greatest hits album isn't going to listen to itself! Another exhilarating Saturday night for me!

PS, In case you're wondering this is the number one today, September 25, 2010




I went to Florence, than came back. Feeling a bit more Euro now.
Gonna go blast some house version of a Michael Buble song, ciao.



buuut the classics are always the best